Music Scholars’ Programme

Being a music scholar helped me win a place at the Junior Royal Academy of Music
— Ella, Year 13

We take music seriously at Saint Cecilia’s. It is at the heart of the school. As one of the few specialist music state schools in the country, we are committed to quality music tuition throughout the school. Nine Foundation and nine Open places will be offered to children who demonstrate that they have the aptitude and/or potential to benefit from a specialist course in music.

As a music scholar, children receive an exciting and comprehensive package of support for the whole of their time at Saint Cecilia’s including:

  • Free lessons on one instrument or voice throughout Year 7 at school, worth an estimated £750

  • Performance/composition workshop sessions each term during Year 7-9

  • Music Scholar Christmas Song Competition in Year 9, with the winning song professionally recorded at Crown Lane Studio and performed in the Carol Service

  • Opportunities to attend National Opera Studio recitals and coaching (for vocalists) in Years 9-13

  • Opportunities to visit and work with Royal Holloway University Music Department in Years 10-13

  • Opportunities to gain places on the Royal Academy of Music composing and performing workshops

  • Several performance opportunities and regular concerts and invitations to attend our annual international music tours

  • Priority access to our theatre, opera and concert trips and tours

  • Extra support and guidance for your child’s personal musical development

  • More challenging music work in lessons to reflect your child’s advanced musical capabilities.

The Music Scholars Programme offers an exciting opportunity at Saint Cecilia’s and most music scholars continue to study Music GCSE where they are well supported.

Which children should apply for a music scholarship?
Children do not need to have special knowledge of an instrument to be considered for a specialist music place but need to have a passion for music and performing. Children who do not play an instrument, or have not taken any instrumental grades, or achieved any of the ribbons awarded by the Royal Schools of Church Music, will be required to undertake a preliminary aptitude test to determine their suitability for a final aptitude test.

Preliminary Aptitude Test (Virtual via Zoom):
Before the test, children will be asked to send in a short video of them performing on one or two instruments. The performances will be assessed on accuracy, notes and rhythms. Families will receive a letter with full details and with the date for submission.

For September 2025 entry, the preliminary aptitude tests will take place on Friday 18th October 2024. Children will be asked to carry out some simple tasks and the test only takes a few minutes. We aim to make it an enjoyable and relaxed experience. Children will be asked to clap a rhythm back, sing back a short series of notes played or sung to them, identify major or minor chords and sing a round with the teacher, either ‘Frère Jacques’ or ‘London’s Burning’.

Top Tips for your child to prepare for the Preliminary Aptitude Test:

  • Practise the short piece in advance with a music teacher or in front of someone to feel confident on the day

  • Practise singing ‘Frère Jacques’ or ‘London’s Burning’

  • Ensure you have a quiet space with good internet connection and you are not on mute

  • Have an adult around to help with any technical issues

All children who complete these tests successfully will proceed to the final aptitude test.

Final Aptitude Test:
Children who have passed the preliminary aptitude test or have passed Grade 2 or above in any of the recognised examination boards or have achieved any RSCM ribbons will be invited to participate in the final aptitude test. This will take place in Saint Cecilia’s on Thursday 24th October 2024. It consists of two sections. Children will be invited into school to perform their prepared performance (vocalist or on their chosen instrument) in front of a panel of two teachers. Then there will be an aural section where they will be asked to complete similar tasks as in the preliminary test but to a higher level such as clapping a rhythm back, identify chords and to do some sight-reading on their chosen instrument.

Top Tips for your child to prepare for the Final Aptitude Test:

  • Your performance will be judged on musicality: dynamics, phrasing and contrasts

  • You are welcome to bring someone along to accompany you on the piano as we cannot offer this. If this is not possible, make sure you have a good quality recording of your accompaniment on CD or send an audio file in advance

  • Practise the performance in advance with a music teacher or in front of someone at home to ensure they feel confident on the day

  • Practise sight-reading and work on being able to sing back or clap short phrases played on the piano

Applicants will hear within a few days if they have been successful. We wish all candidates applying the best of luck!

How do I apply for a Specialist Music place?
If you wish to apply for a specialist place for your child, please complete the supplementary form online via Applicaa here by Tuesday 8th October 2024 for September 2025 entry.

I’ve loved performing concerts in big venues and being part of the music tour as a music scholar
— Felix, Year 9