February News
Oxford University Visit Year 12
We were visited this week by our link college from Oxford University, Jesus College, to help Year 12 students prepare for applying to university. The most critical part to a successful application is to demonstrate genuine love for a subject by engaging with materials outside of the A Level syllabus. Students learnt how to listen to their inner five-year-old to by asking 'why do I want to study a subject?’ and 'what do I think?' about everyday questions and problems.
Sixth Form Annual Pancake Race
This week, our Sixth Formers engaged in a very active way with the start of Lent with the annual Pancake Race. Congratulations to Mr James Aldridge and his mentor group, who were the winners! Huge thanks to the whole Sixth Form team for making the energetic and memorable event happen.
Ceilidh in memory of David Iannarelli
On Friday 7th February, we held a ceilidh for staff and students in memory of Mr David Iannarelli, a much loved and missed former member of staff. It was a hugely fun and uplifting event. Students were enthusiastic in their praise: “It was life changing”, “The live band was my favourite bit”, “It was a great bonding experience bringing the whole Sixth Form together.” We are extremely grateful to the Friends who helped make the event possible by contributing half the cost of the live band.
Durham University Presentation
On Tuesday 11th February, we welcomed Durham University into school to lead a session for staff on the amended process for applying to university. Through the Advancing Access programme, a collaboration provided by Russell Group universities, we were given guidance on how best to support our students with competitive university applications. The majority of our Sixth Form students apply to university and, for those applying to start from 2026 onwards, the personal statement will now be broken down into three questions. We received excellent training on what universities require for each question so that we can best support all of our students. Later in the academic year, we are hosting the University of Sheffield, who will give guidance to Year 12 about these changes.
Interactive EPQ workshop delivered by the University of Southampton
Earlier this month, our Year 13 EPQ students attended a tailored online session delivered by the University of Southampton’s Learn with Us transition programme. This was part of the taught skills programme for the EPQ, ensuring the students have the necessary skills to achieve a good grade in their project. The session set expectations for the presentation element of the EPQ, helping students to understand the demands of the presentation, what needed to be included and how to prepare. Feedback from attendees was positive, with many students feeling more confident and inspired to pursue their EPQ projects.
Music Tech Trip to Royal Holloway University
On Wednesday 5th February, Year 12 Music and Music Technology students and some of our Year 11 pupils studying Music visited Royal Holloway University Music Department. They had a tour, experienced an exceptional lunchtime concert by undergraduate brass players and the choral scholars and attended an engaging lecture on video game music. It was a fantastic day for them all.
January News
Year 13 Student Keynote Speaker for Wandsworth
On Thursday 30th January, at Apple HQ in Battersea, Wandsworth Council led a session for residents. We were delighted that Year 13 student, Muz A (pictured), was invited to deliver the keynote speech on behalf of Wandsworth young people. He was congratulated by Simon Hogg, Leader of Wandsworth Council, for his excellent speech and composure. We are delighted that our students like Muz play such an important role in their community.
Oxbridge Offer!
We’re extremely excited to share that Macaulay F in Year 13 has been offered a place at the University of Oxford to study French and Beginner's German at Wadham College. This is a huge achievement and one he’s worked hard to secure. Here’s what motivated him: “I chose the course because I love French and German literature and was fascinated to learn a new language that I hadn’t been able to learn at school. My amazing experience at Wadham College’s Modern Languages summer school inspired me to keep studying languages and apply to Oxford. I can’t wait to explore French and German poetry and philosophy!”
We wish him the best of luck and will be following his journey from Saint Cecilia’s and beyond.
New Netball Kit
The senior netball 1st and 2nd teams are proudly wearing their new personalised senior team netball dresses, made by netball sports brand Flyhawk.
December News
Sixth Form Christmas Quiz and Bingo
At the end of term, the whole Sixth Form came together for our annual Christmas meal and quiz. In a packed Refectory, students battled it out in four different rounds with a finale of bingo. Many thanks to our quizmaster, Mr James Aldridge, and to Mr Emmanuel Mensah and Miss Liz Hogg for being our bingo callers.
Sixth Form on Ice
To mark the end of term, 140 Sixth Form students travelled the short distance to Battersea Power Station to enjoy the Christmas lights and take a turn on the Glide ice rink. There were some great skaters amongst them (although none were a patch on Mr Leitch) and some first timers who often provided the entertainment. It was a relief to see them all come off the ice safely.
Ruby S, Year 13, added, “Although there were a few wobbles on the ice, it was great to get into the festive spirit and have fun with friends. With a view of the Thames, Christmas lights of the Battersea Power Station and plenty of seasonal treats to be had around the rink, it was a lovely way to bring the Sixth Form together to finish off the term.”
Sixth Form headed to ‘Hadestown’
On Tuesday 10th December, Year 12 and 13 students watched ‘Hadestown’ at the Lyric Theatre. It was a fantastic evening where we were treated to an incredible display of musical theatre talent, alongside beautifully crafted moments through lighting and set designs. One Year 12 said, “I really liked how the musicians were involved in the action and on stage throughout.” Another commented, “I loved the style of music, which had a New Orleans jazz-type of genre”.
Business BTEC Visit Experian
Our Business BTEC students were invited to Experian's London office this week. They took part in an interactive finance lesson to support the finance module studied as part of the course. They learned valuable life skills such as how to understand a payslip, save for a pension and average salaries for different jobs. Some of the employees also shared their career journeys including university and apprenticeship pathways. It was an excellent and informative outing.
Trip to Hamilton: Watching Alumni on Stage
Sixth Form students were exceptionally fortunate to be offered the opportunity to attend an educational performance of ‘Hamilton’ at the Victoria Palace Theatre. The atmosphere was electric. After the show, the cast and crew ran a question and answer session. It was really interesting to hear about the wide range of jobs involved in putting on a production of this size. We are especially proud of two former Saint Cecilia’s students who were in the production. Jordan Castle played Hercules Mulligan and James Madison and Jack Harrison-Cooper played Samuel Seabury and Ensemble. Both performers were incredible and a testament to their hard work and talent.
Student Author
We are very proud of our student author, Ruby S in Year 13, whose novella ‘Within These Walls’ has been published. Here she explains her journey: “In the summer of 2023, I went on a trip to Iceland. On a hike, while momentarily lost, we came across a small, dilapidated building, sparking my idea for a story. A few months later, the Mark Evison Foundation (MEF) programme gave me the perfect opportunity to pursue a piece of writing. The process took just over six months, and my confidence in writing has grown immensely, as I work towards starting an English and Creative Writing degree post A Levels. Not only did I complete my novella, but also managed the production process including editing and cover design with the financial and preparational support from the MEF. I would highly recommend Year 12 students to take this opportunity to challenge themselves and do or create something to be proud of!” Ruby S, Year 13
Sixth Form Art and Textiles
Our Art and Textiles students in Years 12 and 13 took part in a workshop to support the production of their art portfolios, delivered by Norwich University of the Arts. They learnt how to capture a story and show this through their work, which will help with future applications to courses including Art, Architecture and Design.
Year 13 Artist
Alongside his beautiful design for the Autumn Concert programme, Oliwer B in Year 13 has created these intricate line drawings that will be used for the Carol Service and the Spring Concert programmes. Thank you Oliwer.
November News
Citizens UK and BeWell Event
Pupils and students attended the Citizens UK evening event on Wednesday 27th November. They presented confidently in front of a room full of people, hosted a youth table to discuss issues that impact them and did an impromptu evaluation talk at the end. The night was closed by Angel G (Year 9) who read an evocative poem she had written titled ‘A spring of change’. Please click here to read it. We received lovely comments from attendees about how amazing our pupils were. We won the prize for the best poster (we took GLORIFY, pictured above left). Thank you to our Chaplain, Alex Shoderu, for all his work helping to prepare the pupils and introducing us at the start of the event.
Congratulations on Computing Awards
Big congratulations to Joshua D in Year 13 for completing his SoloLearn Python for Beginners course. Joshua has moved onto the SoloLearn HTML and CSS courses as part of his revision plan for his upcoming A Level Computer Science mock in December. A great way to revise, test himself and gain additional certification to enhance his future CV all in one go. Well done Joshua.
Student Selected by the Royal Academy of Arts
We are delighted that Ruby S in Year 13 has won a place at the Royal Academy of Art’s programme of artist-led creative workshops for people aged 15 – 19. The workshops, named ‘attRACt’, are free monthly events at the Royal Academy led by professional artists, architects and creatives. Ruby will learn about art, architecture and other creative industries. The sessions will be a mixture of practical workshops, group discussions, tutorials and portfolio reviews. To win her place, Ruby attended a session at the Royal Academy, where students were asked to explore various artworks and then experiment with the potential of clay. These photos show Ruby’s experiments which helped her to win her place. Ruby says, “I’m so excited to explore art techniques with other students as well as professional artists”.
Well done Ruby!
University of Cambridge visit
Earlier in November we welcomed our link college, Robinson College, to support those in Year 13 who have applied to either Oxford or Cambridge with interview preparation. They also gave an overview to some pupils in Year 11 about what to consider when making A Level choices.
Advertising Unlocked Masterclass with Havas
Have you ever wondered who creates the stories behind the brands we use every day or how adverts are made? Year 13 Business Studies students got to find out when they visited Havas, one of the world's largest advertising and communications companies, through the Advertising Unlocked scheme. The scheme provides students with a practical insight into careers in advertising through workshops, interactive discussions, office tours and creative challenges. Working in small groups, our students were given a brief and had to pitch their new Lego idea to a panel of experts.
Autumn Concert Programme Design
A huge thank you to Oliwer B, one of our very talented A Level Art students in Year 13, for his intricate pencil design for our Autumn Concert programme. Oliwer is now working on a series of designs for our remaining school concerts and events.
We are delighted that several of our Year 13 students attended the National Apprenticeship event this month to explore post-study opportunities. One of our students was given a special mention by British Airways for their 'career readiness’.
We are also pleased to share that nine Year 12 students successfully applied to attend a healthcare careers event at St George's University of London on Wednesday, where they explored a range of career paths within the NHS.
Citizens UK
Our new partnership with Citizens UK is already proving invaluable. This month we witnessed their work in action when two Sixth Form students, Ruby S and Isaac I, presented to the full Governing Body on their aspirations for our school and change they would like to see on a national level. The work Citizens UK are doing is part of our drive to offer more opportunities for pupils and students to impact the world beyond the walls of the school.
October News
Battle of the Bands
On Thursday 24th October, six bands, Magnitude 6, Strange Flow, 33% Ginger, Spree, The Birds and the Bees and Wisp, went head-to-head for the Battle of the Bands title. It was a tough competition as the talent was fierce. Each band was judged on their musical ability, band rapport and stage presence, impressing our special guest judges Ms Rachel Skinner and Mr Khan Cengiz and our very own music maestro, Mr James Robinson!
Friends and family filled the Sports Hall with dancing and singing, echoing the same excitement and hysteria as a sold-out concert at Wembley stadium. Whilst our judges deliberated who would win Battle of Bands 2024, The Badgers, our 2023 winners, treated us to a brilliant mini set of their songs. Finally, our judges came to their final decisions, assigning 3rd place to Birds and the Bees, 2nd place to Spree and crowning 1st place to 33% Ginger!
Iceland Adventure 2024
In October, our adventurous Year 12 and 13 students embarked on a five-day journey through Iceland’s breathtaking landscapes and geothermal wonders, to support their A Level Geography studies. The group’s exploration began at the Bridge Between Continents, a stunning fissure between the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates.
Other highlights included an exhilarating glacier walk on Sólheimajökull, where students donned crampons and ice axes to explore its melting ice formations and learn about climate change. The group then marvelled at the iconic Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss waterfalls and even enjoyed a unique Lava Show, feeling the intense heat of molten rock!
Parliament Visit
“On Monday 7th October, Jonas and I were invited to a work experience day in Parliament with the local MP Fleur Anderson. We had a tour, Q&A and valuable speech writing session with Fleur. For me, the highlight of the day was sitting in the viewing chamber to see the Prime Minister’s speech, followed by debate and questions from the House. The day was an incredible opportunity for me as an A Level Government and Politics student and as someone applying for a politics course at university.“
Grace E, Year 13
Head Girl
Sixth Form Greet and Go
Sixth Form Prefects arranged a Greet and Go event over two days in the Chapel. The event was designed as a way of Year 12 and 13 getting to know each other better using a ‘speed dating’ style format, with Year 13 moving along a seat every 90 seconds to engage with a new Year 12 student. The event created a fantastic buzz of conversation.
English National Opera Trip
Some of our Year 12 and Year 13 A Level Music students were lucky enough to see both ‘La Bohème’ and ‘The Turn of the Screw‘ operas for free at the London Coliseum recently. Here is a photo of some of them enjoying ‘The Turn of the Screw’.
Wings of Hope 2023/24 Award Winners!
On Friday 11th October, we had the pleasure of attending the Wings of Hope awards ceremony and witnessed sisters Martha E and Grace E receiving the award for overall winners 2023/4. This is a truly amazing achievement! Their hard work and dedication made them truly deserving winners. They entered the Gold award, which required them to raise £1,000, but they raised over £2,000! Part of their prize is an all expenses paid trip to India to teach at one of the schools WOHAA supports. Congratulations to the girls who went by the name - Sister Strength. Click on the picture top left to read about the finalists on the website.
We received the following wonderful feedback from Wings of Hope: “We are incredibly proud of Team Sister Strength from Saint Cecilia’s. Throughout the competition, Team Sister Strength has demonstrated incredible passion, dedication, and leadership. Their commitment to making a difference has been truly inspiring, as they worked tirelessly to raise vital funds and awareness in their communities, becoming shining examples for us all in support of the Wings of Hope’s international projects.
As young leaders, they have shown remarkable teamwork, creativity, and a strong sense of social responsibility. We couldn’t be prouder of the positive impact they’ve made, and we look forward to seeing the amazing things they will continue to achieve in the future. Thank you for representing your school so wonderfully and for your outstanding contributions!”
Biggest Annual Careers Fair
On 4th October, we welcomed employers, colleges and universities to our annual Careers Fair for pupils and students in Years 10- 13. We were delighted that over 75 volunteers representing many jobs, industries and sectors attended and took time to talk to our pupils and students. We would like to thank the parents, family and friends of staff and previous Saint Cecilia's students who were able to offer their time to support our young people.
September and Summer Term News
Italian Music Tour
Pupils an students had a brilliant time on the music tour to Lake Garda in July 2024. The concerts were very well attended, with an audience of over 300 for our first concert in Cremona. Pupils and students enjoyed some sight-seeing around the lake and a fun day at a local water park. This year’s tour to La Rochelle in July 2025 has just been announced and will be open to all members of Concert Band, Jazz Band, Strings and Choir. Information has been sent out this week to eligible pupils and students.
Old Wandsworthians’ Choir Reunion
On 21st September, 33 former pupils from the Wandsworth School Choir returned to Saint Cecilia’s for their annual reunion. Wandsworth School closed in 1985 and Saint Cecilia’s was built on the grounds of the former boys’ school in 2003.
The world famous choir won Grammys for the best classical choral performance in 1971, for Berlioz’s Requiem, and in 1974, for Berlioz’s The Damnation of Faust with the Ambrosian Singers. The reunion evening included a presentation of photographs of memorabilia that are now held in the national archives at the Red House in Aldeburgh. The archives are open to the public and free of charge for anyone to view.
Saint Cecilia’s has forged strong links with the Old Wandsworthians and we host the annual choir reunion, which is always such a super event. Food was provided by chefs Alex and Grace from our catering team, and service from some of our Sixth Form students (Grace E, Jonas B, Amelie M and Chukwudi E), supported by Mrs Peacock and Mrs Doohan.