Headteacher’s Welcome
“I have come that you may have life,
and have it to the full. ”
“Glorifying God through outstanding, enjoyable education”
Saint Cecilia’s is a proudly Christian school that values the uniqueness of each individual made in the image of God. Faith; service; courage; justice; hope; love; reconciliation and community are at the heart of Saint Cecilia’s - firmly rooted in our school ethos and relationships.
Specialising in the teaching of Music and Mathematics, Saint Cecilia’s is a well-respected and hugely over-subscribed school. Our success and ethos for learning and achievement is built upon a commitment to Christian values and high expectations of all in our school community. Teaching is exceptional, our curriculum is challenging and standards of behaviour are high.
It’s a pleasure to lead a team of such highly qualified and dedicated teachers and support staff, who offer all pupils a well-balanced, challenging and enriching education within a supportive Christian context. This exceptional provision ensures that student progress is better than in the vast majority of schools, and many of our GCSE, BTEC and A Level courses have extremely high pass rates, enabling the vast majority of students to progress to university.
Our taught curriculum is complemented by a varied programme of extra-curricular activities that nurture talent and encourage pupils to develop a wide range of skills and interests.
We have a vibrant chaplaincy programme that is fully embedded into the pastoral and extra-curricular life of the school and plays a key role in the spiritual development of pupils and students.
At the end of seven years, our pupils leave us with a keen sense of right and wrong, a commitment to going above and beyond and an understanding of how they can contribute to society in a meaningful way.
Saint Cecilia's offers an abundance of opportunity to all, and it is out of that abundance that we glorify God, through outstanding and enjoyable education.
I look forward to meeting you, should you take one of the many opportunities to visit our school.
Renata Joseph, Headteacher