Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge Finalists

Earlier this month, we reported that Year 10 pupils Yvette D and Adeeza D made it through to the Wandsworth final of the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge. The final took place on 6th March at Graveney School and we are delighted to share that after preparing their speeches and delivering them with confidence and pride, Yvette came third out of 17 speakers! Both pupils are to be congratulated for their excellent performances.

National Careers Week

During National Careers Week we celebrated by sharing our career paths and the skills learnt. Pupils and students enjoyed discussing different jobs with their teachers and mentors. Click here for some excellent resources that you can use at home to continue these discussions. Please ask your child to look at Satchel One as there are more opportunities available thanks to National Careers Week.

We were fortunate to be joined by two second year Mechanical Engineering students from Imperial College London. A group of pupils in Year 9 enjoyed learning about crumble zones and then had to budget, design and build a box to protect an egg. Both Imperial College students shared their GCSE options, A Level choices and experience of university so far.

Unforgettable French Trip to Nice and Monaco

Last week, 40 pupils embarked on an incredible trip to Nice and Monaco, where they had the perfect opportunity to practise their French skills while immersing themselves in local culture. In Nice, pupils visited one of the oldest perfumeries, where they created their own unique fragrances. They explored a traditional confiserie, and learnt how to prepare famous French chocolates. The highlight of their time in Nice was experiencing the vibrant carnival, enjoying its colourful parades and lively atmosphere. Of course, they also made time to relax on the beautiful beaches and soak up the sun.

In Monaco, pupils visited the famous Oceanographic Museum, home to over 6,000 marine species. They also explored the city-state’s rich history, from the glamorous Monte Carlo Casino to the Prince’s Palace and finished by returning to Nice to enjoy a dinner in a very famous restaurant where pupils dressed up for a special evening. It was a truly unforgettable experience!

Click here to see the quick tour video.

Year 9 visit the University of Oxford

A group of pupils from Year 9 had a great day at the University of Oxford. They had the opportunity to quiz a current and recently graduated student about applying to Oxford and what studying there is really like. 

They engaged in a workshop about language, the origin of words and how language changes over time, as well as being encouraged to question the world around them. Finally, they had a tour of the city and some of the colleges. A highlight was learning where C.S Lewis took his inspiration for ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe' as shown in the picture (left). It was encouraging to see how engaged our Year 9 pupils were by the great questions they asked throughout the day. 

Girls' Football U15 Match Report

Captain Lily G reports: “Yet another win this week for the Saint Cecilia’s U15s girls’ football team with a thrilling 4-3 win against Ashcroft Technology Academy! Spirits were high for a highly anticipated game. The scoring was opened by Beatrice E (Year 9) with a beautiful finish, but shortly after Ashcroft found the back of the net with a lovely equalizer. At half time, the game was at stalemate, but things became more exciting in the second half. Throughout the game, both teams showed determination, but Saint Cecilia’s had that winning edge as Bea E scored two more goals to seal her hat-trick and Cassielle M also got on the scoresheet.  

As a long time member of the team, it has been wonderful to see it grow with such enthusiasm and flare, with growing numbers each week. My chosen Players of the Match were Bea EChloe B and Cassielle M for their eagerness to make a difference in the game.“

Year 7 Prefects

Here is our fantastic group of newly-appointed Year 7 Prefects! Pictured from left to right: Mia M, Arthur J, Charlie B, Chloe S, Reuben C, Muneeb K, Zaynab A, Kasper CS, Tahlia D B-E, Nate G and Casandra S. Julia K is also a Prefect, but not pictured.

Pupils had to apply, outlining their strengths and qualities for the role. Over the year, they will support staff by helping out with break and lunch duties, school events like the Year 7 disco and open events and guiding visitors around the school - always with a smile!

Oxford University Visit Year 12

 We were visited this week by our link college from Oxford University, Jesus College, to help Year 12 students prepare for applying to university. The most critical part to a successful application is to demonstrate genuine love for a subject by engaging with materials outside of the A Level syllabus. Students learnt how to listen to their inner five-year-old by asking, 'why do I want to study a subject?’ and 'what do I think?' about everyday questions and problems.